Directions to First Baptist Church

First Baptist Church is located just South of Dallas off of I-45 in the community of Hutchins, Texas. To get there take I-45 South,exit the Dowdy Ferry Road exit about 1/4 mile South of I20. Go right on to Palestine at the stop light at the end of the exit ramp. You will be able to see Dairy Queen on the right side of the street and a shopping plaza on the left. Stay straight on Palestine going over the railroad tracks and through the next four way stop (Main St.). About one block down on the right side of the road you will see our parking lot and sign. If you have any trouble please call Scott Chadwick 469-363-0463

  • Worship service for youth and adults; Missions Journey: Kids. Library open
    7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
  • 204 W. Athens & Mills at Palestine Street
    P O Box 455
    Hutchins, Texas 75141